The Hero’s Camino - A New Conversation


Currently no webinars on this topic are being offered.

Check back again. We will post registration links and dates when we host again.

Many of us are seeing or experiencing this time of political division, climate change and more as difficult, frightening and uncertain. Do you find yourself in a disequilibrium, being forced out of your comfort zone? On the other hand, have you created a newfound simplicity and quiet which you wish to maintain? Either way, it’s possible that you’re now being “Called” into a hero’s journey of which you may not be aware, an opportunity to get to know yourself better. There’s now an opportunity for curious souls to look deeper.

To walk the Camino de Santiago is to take a Hero’s Journey, the archetypal roadmap to navigate times of change. 

It is when we see that our Camino challenges brought some of our greatest gifts or insights, we begin to connect to life’s natural growth pattern; designed to equip us to face significant changes and challenges that will inevitably come, or are here right now, and which bring their own gifts. In this context we see we ARE on our Hero’s Journey and become more courageous and willing to step into the unknown as we did daily on the Camino. 

I believe that in these unprecedented times, we are being asked to reconnect with the hero within to help us navigate a new path into the unknown that we all face. Would you like to look back on this time as a positive period of growth and change in your life? 

Join A Conversation

Adam Wells and I will be running a 2-hour online workshop The Hero’s Camino: A New Conversation  - and there's no charge to attend!  

This workshop came together as a result of rich conversations between Camino friends about how now is the time we are all being invited to take a hero’s journey.  It’s a conversation I would like to invite you to.   

Who is this workshop for?

It’s for you if:

  • You love everything about the Camino and you love connecting and conversing with other pilgrims

  • You know there is more available by looking more deeply into your Camino experience

  • You feel like the Camino offers a ‘roadmap’ for life but have struggled to understand how to follow it. Where are the yellow arrows?!

  • You feel your life is still ‘going round in circles’ when you thought your Camino might straighten it out

  • You are struggling to integrate into your life the ‘insights’ and ‘changes’ that came up for you whilst walking

  • You long to return to the Camino because it seems to be the place where you feel most at home

  • You have been ‘Called’ to walk the Camino and are curious about this ‘Call to Adventure’

Here's what we'll be covering:

  • Why it’s important to know the significance of the Hero’s Journey for your life

  • An overview of the stages of the Hero’s journey; to identify where you are on the archetypal roadmap today

  • Your Camino as a Hero’s Journey; key questions to ask yourself

  • What’s ‘Calling’ you today and the ‘cost’ of ignoring the ‘Call’.


By the end of this workshop you’ll feel more centered and grounded with a better understanding of your Camino journey and how it fits in with life’s bigger picture.

Want to learn more about the Hero’s Journey? Watch this great documentary online for free